Your Mission-Aligned Service and Solutions Partner
We are not just an all-in-one turn-key business platform solution. We are your full service, strategic mission-aligned service partner. Our team “walks the talk” to help you amplify your mission, impact and grow your community and revenue.

Strategic Consulting

We are mission-aligned, innovative problem solvers who listen intently and collaborate closely to understand your business needs to design, develop and successfully launch. Whether it's a multiday event, to an entire platform, we walk the talk and hold your hand every step of the way.


· Whether it’s one component or our all-in-one platform, or an integration to your existing systems, from design, development to ongoing maintenance, our technology team is with you every step of the way.

Content Creation

With Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporations pioneering 30 year industry experience, you can leverage our trust our team of expert content creators to produce engaging, multimedia that inform, inspire, captivate and convert your target audience.

Webcast Production

We will help you produce your own show, from content planning, expert guest introduction and coordination, editorial slide review, live and simu-live tech support, plus our amplified promotion, you are sure to be a success.

Event Production

For immersive events, conferences, summits or any online events, our all-in-one platform provides a one-of-a-kind comprehensive solution to manage your events, engage your community and our full-service team is here to augment your team or run your entire event to help you successfully grow your audience.

Multimedia Publishing

Be recognize and celebrated for what makes you unique. Through authentic multimedia publishing, write an article or be interviewed for Natural Awakenings magazine 1.3 million readers or be featured live in a KnoWEwell educational webcast and receive opt-in leads.


Market research shows that the combination of digital with traditional print advertising and leading with multimedia content-based education, increases brand recognition, the success of email campaigns and customer conversions. While the technology has changed over the years, the same research from the 1800s applies, it takes between 18-20 touches to move a customer to purchase. Hence, an omni-channel approach is essential.


Be recognize and celebrated for what makes you unique. Through authentic multimedia publishing, write an article or be interviewed for Natural Awakenings magazine 1.3 million readers or be featured live in a KnoWEwell educational webcast and receive opt-in leads.

KnoWEwell services the Regenerative Whole Health ecosystem, including but not limited to practitioners, providers, thought leaders, professional organizations, consumer nonprofits and advocacy organizations, thought-leaders, colleges and universities, and more.
Use Cases
Below is a sample of KnoWEwell client use cases throughout the ecosystem.
Professional Organizations
ICA - Celebrating 98 Years
The ICA engaged KnoWEwell to provide an all-in-one solution for membership management and community management. To improve their membership experience and increase their engagement, while lowering their overall technology costs.
NCH - Celebrating 50 Years
The NCH originally joined KnoWEwell as a Council member. Based on the positive experience with our mission-aligned team, they expanded into KnoWEwell’s production of their webcasts, and most recently to produce their upcoming annual conference.
The Integrative Health Institute at Salem University initially contracted to build community around one department of the University. The president realizing the added benefits, expanded its community and added KnoWEwell benefits to the entire university of students, faculty and alumni.
KnoWEwell Council of Thought Leaders
By peer-committee invitation or nomination, 40+ and growing thought leaders are have been welcomed into KnoWEwell’s RWH Council. With exclusive membership benefits to be rewarded for sharing their thought leading knowledge and engaging in KnoWEwell’s RWH Hub.
Anna Cabeca, DO, FACOG
As The Girlfriend Doctor, you can ask and tell me anything! Creator of Julva.
Tom O'Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN
Excepteur sint occaecat - "Making it easy to do the right thing."
Aimie Apigian, MD, MS, MPH
Teaching others how to heal trauma through the Biology of Trauma lens.

Branded Storefronts

Showcase all of your unique healing arts and offerings, and give our members discounts. Scale with Certification Scale your expertise by creating new membership, community, and certification courses. Events and Summits Leverage our platform and services to design, market, and manage your online events.

Local Community Building

As a pioneering healthy living and healthy planet publishing magazine, Natural Awakenings has been connecting local communities through its print national print magazine for 30 years. Now Natural Awakenings is expanding its services to help local community people and businesses make more meaningful engaging connections online and expand learning and services opportunities. Natural Awakenings Chicago Natural Awakenings Southwest Florida Natural Awakenings Central New Jersey

Global Community Building
Indigenous Tribes
KnoWEwell is donating its services to Indigenous Elders to help them create communities that will connect tribes globally, to pass down their ancient healing wisdom to sustain their legacy, and protect and help mother earth and humanity heal.
LM Village
KnoWEwell is donating its services to the ___________, fulfill her 20 year dream by creating a global Village for LM.

A Home for Your Legacy

The American Holistic Health Association board conducted a comprehensive search and unanomiously approved for KnoWEwell to provide a home for its ongoing legacy in our Regenerative Whole Health Hub.

Engage. Connect. Thrive.
KnoWEwell, P.B.C. | 350 Main Street, Suite 9B, Bedminster, NJ 07921, United States | 1.855.KWE.WELL (1.855.593.9355)